Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 5: Clear on Excel, some formulas are tricky though.

Glad to get to some meat in ISM. Excel is one program I would like to be more proficient with. I have a new boss at work and he realizes the value of Excel's abilities. My old boss didn't use (or expect me to use) Excel at all. So I need to get better quick.

When generating pricing documents for our funeral home we like to group individual prices into popular packages to make the information more easily understood by our clients. My last boss generated these package prices on paper with a calculator. We are finding discrepancies in the price lists generated before the change in management. My Excel project for the week was using the data from our general price list to make tables for each package. I plan to make a more in depth model using historical data of our package mix to project revenue with changes in individual prices.

While I am pretty good at making simple tables and models in Excel, I would really like to be better with large amounts of data. This weeks lectures introduced me to some shortcuts that are much appreciated, especially the keyboard shortcuts. Some of the navigation is slightly different in Excel 2010. It is fairly intuitive, but it took me a few seconds longer to print the column titles on every page. In 2010 you click on the square to the right of the field and enter the cell range in the separate field that opens. The syntax for the "If" function is tricky.

This is a fun class. I must be a nerd.

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